The Australian health sector is our nation’s largest employer and its role in keeping Australians healthy and productive is fundamental to our economic success.
Since our inception, healthcare and health infrastructure have been a significant component of our work - and the experience of the last few years has emphasised how important and fragile the health of our nation can be.
For service providers, there has never been more scrutiny, as the pandemic experience has made Australians more focused on their health needs and expectations. At the same time, both traditional and social media have become health information battlegrounds, presenting critical challenges to effective messaging, and to reputation.
In the foreseeable future, this will be a volatile environment, for health service providers, medicine and technology suppliers and funders, in both the public and private sectors. At the same time, it provides a fertile opportunity to introduce innovation and grow supply, as the political emphasis on health offers a window to propose new solutions and reduce waste, while increasing access at reasonable cost.
H/Advisors APA helps clients navigate this environment with strategic guidance, regulatory advocacy and effective communications. We understand the views and interests of each stakeholder in the sector, and can assist in building collaborations and coalitions of interest to improve national health outcomes.
Primary health providers - GP regulation, payroll tax, recruitment and wellbeing of graduates and regional incentives.
Medical Colleges - competition, co-location with GPs, biosecurity, specialty names.
Allied health professional associations - school nurses, counsellors, chiropractors, dentists.
Professional certification bodies.
Diagnostics - pathology, MRI licensing, pain diagnosis in unverbal patients.
Federal and NSW Governments - facilities planning and design.
Health service providers - asset recycling, acquisitions or greenfield construction of medical precincts.
Pharmaceutical companies - drug listings, PMRs, TGA approvals, MBS codes.
Medical devices.
Nuclear medicine production, export and waste return and storage - ANSTO.
Consumer advocate groups - liver cancer, stillbirth, glaucoma, hearing, mitochondrial disease.
Mental health - funding, EAP providers and apps for workplaces, new facilities for patients.
Data storage provision for medical and health records - concentration of providers, new facilities in residential areas.
Research agencies - industry groups and Australian Synchrotron.
COVID-19 preparation and incident management as well as lobbying around innovation and PPE supplies.
Broader issues - litigation, IR disputes, medical complaints tribunal.