25 years of changing mental health policy
The policy issue of mental health has emerged as a distinct and significant area of health policy concern - particularly over the last 15 years. The COVID experience has only served to emphasise this, as social disruption and financial challenges contribute to increasing levels of psychological stress.
How organisations recognise and address mental health concerns has radically evolved over the life of our business, and APA has been a leader in embedding this issue into both public policy and corporate strategy.
Over its first 25 years, APA has been a leader in advising clients on mental health issues. Our work has included:
Government relations for the psychopharmaceutical sector, particularly advising on listings of the first atypical antipsychotic medicines.
Advice and representation on policy to maximise mental health amongst both staff and clients in the aged care sector.
Communications design on projects to address social isolation.
In our schools practice, crisis and communications counsel around issues and events with deleterious effects on staff and student wellbeing.
Strategy, media and government relations for a number of social service organisations and faith-based charities focused on poverty, family counselling and domestic violence.
Specific advice around chaplaincy programs aimed at improving mental health in a range of sectors.
This area of expertise combines with our healthcare and ageing practices, to provide a comprehensive and wholistic approach to the health dimensions of any policy, crisis or corporate strategy question.