Child Protection during lockdown
As Australia entered the COVID-19 lockdown, a very clear problem emerged.
With children locked in doors, there were fewer face-to-face support services being delivered and a reduction in the number of mandatory reporters interacting with children at risk.
As the peak advocacy body supporting the delivery of services for protecting vulnerable children in NSW, Fams engaged H/Advisors APA to help navigate a sector wide response.
The challenge was to bring awareness to the wider community to ensure everyone was looking out for vulnerable children, and the flow on effects that the pandemic response was having on families, including increased alcohol use and a rise in incidence of domestic violence.
H/Advisors APA helped bring these tough but important stories into mainstream media including through nightly news packages on Channel 9, SBS and ABC NewsBreakfast, articles in the Sydney Morning Herald, and an appearance on Alan Jones and on regional radio.
We developed and rolled-out a joint public awareness campaign titled “It takes a village” highlighting the importance of a community-based response.
We also assisted in drafting and distributing media statements in response to Government policy announcements on charity sector funding and early childcare as a result of COVID-19.